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About Century Software, Inc.

Century Software is a leading provider of host access solutions in the emerging embedded Linux marketplace, as well as an established supplier of connectivity solutions for Windows to UNIX and IBM integration. The company's TERM and TinyTERM product suite provides high-end terminal emulation, file transfer, and script engine capabilities for customized host access integration. Based in Salt Lake City, Century Software was founded in 1985 and is privately held. Century Software solutions are sold through two-tier distribution in the United States and signed distributors in more than 40 countries worldwide. Century Software's CEO, Greg Haerr, is the founder and chief maintainer of the Microwindows Project.

About MontaVista Software, Inc.

MontaVista Software Inc., founded in 1999 by real-time operating system pioneer James Ready, delivers open-source software solutions for the worldwide embedded software market. MontaVista's principal offering is the Linux® operating system tailored for embedded software applications. MontaVista products include Hard HatTM Linux®, a standard off-the-shelf binary distribution of Linux for x86, PowerPC, StrongARM, MIPS and other microprocessor architectures. Hard Hat Linux offers developers a mix of open source and standard APIs, as well as unique open source solutions for embedded design including the MontaVista real-time scheduler and Hard Hat Net CompactPCI back-plane networking. Hard Hat Linux is supported by a comprehensive tool suite including optimizing compilers for C, C++ and other languages; high-level language debuggers; and performance monitoring tools. The company's Subscription Plans also provide Linux support, porting and customization services to customers worldwide. MontaVista headquarters are in Sunnyvale, Calif., in the heart of the Silicon Valley.

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