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The most current version of the ViewML browser is found in CVS. TARballs will be posted every Monday.

CVS Instructions:

1. Set your CVSROOT env. variable:
export CVSROOT=:pserver::/usr/cvs

2. Run "cvs login" and use a password of "guest"

3. Run "cvs co viewml"

4. Watch the source tree spill onto your hard drive


TARballs are located at: ftp://ftp.viewml.com/pub/viewml


You will also need to download a version of FLTK.  If you are running Microwindows, there is a specially modified version of FLTK 1.0.7 called FLNX available at ftp://ftp.viewml.com/pub/flnx  We currently use FLNX 0.17, available as flnx-0.17.tar.gz. As a rule of thumb, you should always get the latest version of FLNX available. If you are using the X Window System, download FLTK version 1.0.11: fltk-1.0.11.tar.gz, from www.fltk.org.

General Dependencies:
1. STL. ViewML uses some of the container classes and string class to simulate some of the Qt classes. Just about any version that comes with any relatively new version of g++ should work.

2. PThreads. This should be around on any standard Linux system, and probably is available for your platform too.

3. libwww. Standard on most RedHat systems since 6.2, or you can get this from http://www.w3c.org. version 5.2.8

Dependencies for X-Windows:
1. FLTK built for your system. ViewML has been tested with version 1.0.7 and 1.0.11. FLTK distributions can be found at www.fltk.org.

2. imlib. Came on my RedHat box, version You can get yours from http://www.labs.redhat.com/imlib. You may also need libraries for image decoding (libungif, libjpeg, libpng..)

Dependencies For Microwindows/Nano-X
1. FLTK built for Nano-X. This library is different from the general FLTK that can be gotten from www.fltk.org. You can get this version from ftp://ftp.microwindows.org/pub/microwindows. Get the file called "flnx-0.17.tar.gz"

2. Microwindows, compiled with Nano-X running. You can get this from ftp://ftp.microwindows.org/pub/microwindows. You should always get the latest version, which as of the time of this writing is 0.89.


The Microwindows Project is at www.microwindows.org, or can be downloaded at ftp://microwindows.org/pub/microwindows/microwindows-0.89.tar.gz.

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